
Traktion behandla


Traktion behandla is Spinal Decompression Therapy in english .Spinal decompression therapy is a modern, non-surgical traction procedure that effectively treats low back, neck, and radiating leg and arm pain. This type of traction is very successful in relieving pain associated with spinal disc herniation, degenerative spinal discs, and facet joint syndromes. Spinal decompression therapy decompresses spinal discs and facet joints by utilizing traction, distraction, and body positioning.

By significantly reducing internal disc pressure,and promotes retraction of the herniation spinal disc material back to a normal physiologic position and promotes the intake of fluids, oxygen, and other substances necessary for healing the spinal disc and surrounding tissues. This decompression stimulates the repair of tissues and inhibits leakage of the internal material of the spinal disc (also known as the nucleus pulposus.

The treatments utilizeManual equipment with proven safety and efficacy. Most patients report a mild sense of stretching on their back or hips, and often fall asleep during treatment sessions.


In addition to the injury to the spinal disc, it is important to condition the supporting spinal muscles. A complete physical therapy program targeting the function of the spinal stabilization muscles is vital. Massage ,akupunktur, koppning moxibustion can offer additional benefits for reduction of inflammation and muscle spasm.